
Do you process the elastomer and face the challenge of coding and marking material-friendly materials with high resolution or low resolution? Please contact us.Rubber formulations require material specific know-how, ruggedizing techniques, long-term formulation knowledge and a comprehensive mix of pigments and inks - especially developed for tread, hose, tire, seal or mat.Even if you are interested in laser printing qr code on rubber surface, we can provide you with the best solution.


Application field

    • High marking
    • Marking of raw rubber
    • The marking of the rubber jacket
    • Means of production
    • traceability
    • Mark finished tires after vulcanization
    • Compare 2D markup
    • Green rubber plate marking
    • Raw rubber treatment marks

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We are happy to help you find the coding and tag solutions that best suits you.


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0510-88555655 (24h sales hotline)

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