LT-U3000 Ultra wide high polyorphic printer

LT-U3000 Ultra wide high polyorphic printer

LT-U ultra-wide inline printer, you can print any size on your product, our multi-printhead splicing technology, can be 10 stitching, satisfying a large color printing flyer of 500-1000mm. Our multi-printhead splicing technology, can be 10 stitching, satisfying a large multi-color printing fast plane with 500-1000mm.

Product and application

Product Details

    The LTU ultra-wide printer, you can print any size on your product, our multi-printhead splicing technology, can be 500-1000mm, etc., a large number of 500-1000mm.
  • Variable QR code online printing
  • Label printing
  • Packaging and Printing

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